Wednesday, January 10, 2007

RPrint Issue # 2


Issue # 2 Editor: Savi Kumar Jain

Journal Secy: Kanhaiya Agarwal

From the Journal Secy’s Desk:

Hi! This is the second issue of RPrint for this academic session. I’ll constantly try to make further issues more interesting. Suggestions are always invited from any of the boarders of the hall for improvement. Articles are invited for future issues of RPrint. Articles are also invited for Arpian, 2007.
You can drop the article in my room, D-208, or can e-mail it at

Epitome lost!

“Dreams were fine,
Thinking of the manna he had dined;
The alarm bell rang,
No less Juggernaut’ than the snake’s fang;
Soon realizing the examination crank,
His mother fetched a glass of water that he drank;”

What a sad start to a gala day. For Art it was a night oops! A morning mare! Examination for him is:
“Horrendous! As it is,
Body buckles up as peas!
Without all the joys elate,
The worst thing he can designate;
Everything may be fine and the day may be dear,
But! Heart scarce stops panting with boding fear!
Mind brimming with baleful thought!
The worst fight that he has ever fought.
What is life without any care,
Examination! The worst nightmare!
Though being extremely intelligent, smart and prosaic, this was the only thing he hated.
He reached the hall and not the hall of fame, for he was the only one to be blamed!
As usual, he forgot everything, though knowing, forgot to bring!
The question papers being given, as if being relentlessly driven.
His mind flew to great height, but his entire body had crept behind.
Being a boy he couldn’t cry, but his eyes weren’t dry!
He closed his answer sheet and discovered that thin sheet of paper in his shoes.
Enough! Even if he detains, he will never peep at it as it pains!
He thought of Newton and Einstein for he was nothing less. His mind drove to his glorious past. Memories came flooding, swept the present and archaiced the future. Those medals, those hands on the heads, he remembered it all. He told to himself,
“Why can’t I do it?
Am I not that much fit!
I have all that takes,
I am the best cake the baker bakes.”
He remembered those sweet words from that sweet teacher. Boosted back, he promised to himself:
“As soon as the strife seizes,
I’ll finish all the portions into pieces;
I’ll do what no one has ever done,
Enough to force my father to say-‘I am a proud father of my son!’

I will not repeat the class as I’ll get a promotion,
And will give all my notes as donation!”
Just after a few moments:
“You are disqualified!”
The examiner said,
“You cheater, you rat in the lane,
Don’t you have any feelings you insane!
You monster! Get out!
Repeat the same class, any doubt?”

“So guys are still in soup?
Is it he, or the examinee, who created the loop?”

--- Ankan De

Final Year fareswell

ITC, HLL, Lehman Brothers, Shell Schlumberger, Adobe, Barclays Capital, Fair Isaac, Morgan Stanley and the list goes on…with large number of companies coming to KGP this time for recruitment and many more to come, the placements have been a delight. The pay packages have also been better compared to last year. Heartiest congratulations to all the seniors placed, and best of luck to all who are yet to be placed.

CAT-ching Stream

The CAT results are out and RPians have come out with flying colours. Parimal,Nitin,Sahan, Karan and Arvind all scored greater than 99 percentile. The pattern of the paper was modified with five choices in MCQs. The English portion was quite difficult and DI being the easiest among the three. Examinees who attempted English first were not satisfied after the paper. The change in pattern also added to the complexity of paper.

Need for Speed

Together with the beginning of this New Year begins yet another spring semester, which may well be a last one for many of our colleagues. This semester will also witness the fate of all GCs, which matters more than CG to many of us.
Along with this ‘big fight‘ going on we may well find ourselves dancing on the Perpz floor or deeply engrossed in Nirmaan or well be attending guest lecture of a Noble Laureate in the Spring Fest ‘07 and Kshitij ‘07 respectively.
A glance at the GC standings will show that our status is quite concerning. With hardly anything going our way in Soc n Cult events last semester, we stand last in the GC chart. Even in sports we share a common 4th place with LLR, but there is much to happen this semester in sports and games. Inter halls cricket will be starting next week. In Tech GC, we stand 2nd with only 2.5 pts from the 1st, which is just a matter of one event. YO RP!!!!


1. Gold!! It’s a gold in ‘Illu’ after two unfortunate years. The hard work put in by the boarders has finally yielded results. The grounds of RP resounded with the ‘Illu kiski-‘ slogan. The gold was celebrated by organizing Miss RP (again after two years) and the obvious winner was Yash Chhabra. The wait for the grand ‘Illu’ treat was finally over with a super special in our mess.

2. However, our performance in the GC has not been up to the mark. We failed to score a single point in any of the literary events held so far. The silver lining is that we have a strong team for the remaining literary events. In Entertainment, we’ve had a bronze in eastern instrumentals. Raghu was awarded with second best individual performance. In the inter hall Dumb C, we won a bronze (last year it was a silver). We did not perform well in the fine arts events either. In Open IIT painting, Rahul Munshi secured 3rd position.
There’s a painting workshop organized by Gymkhana, the date of
which is yet to be finalized. It’s open for all.

3. In the Inter halls athletics meet we had three gold, in 1500m in 800m and 5k ,and all by Prashant Rajora. Yo Rajora!!. We also had two bronze in 110m and 400m hurdles by Jorawar and Siva respectively and a previous silver in inter hall 6.6km race. Despite all the hard work put in by the team members we ended up in 5th position. In the Open IIT hockey tournament we finished off in the second position.

4. In Tech Quiz we slipped to 2nd position from last year’s 1st. In Product Design, we again got silver and the results of Chem Innovation is yet to be announced.